We are delighted to invite doctoral students of arts to participate in the 5th edition of the Territory of Arts conference. You can send abstracts of papers for anonymous review – without mentioning the name and school or department in the text, in the range of 200-400 words by 18th of March 2018 via email to Successful applicants will be informed by April 1st 2018.

5th International Scientific Conference of Doctoral Students of Art Schools

Territory of Arts is a scientific conference of doctoral students of Czech and Slovak art schools. The conference is held annually from 2004 by the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. Though there is no overall theme to the conference, in the presenting and the debating part of the conference researcher will have opportunity in the methodologically related blocks to explore new discussion frames and thematic concepts.

Organized by the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague
Malostranské náměstí 13, Prague 1
May 23, 2018

Applicants can submit abstracts for presentation, ready for anonymous review - without mentioning the name and school or department in the text, in the range of 200-400 words by 18th of March 2018 via email to Successful applicants will be informed by April 1st 2018.

You can submit your papers from the field of Artistic Research and also those that strongly focus on the methodology of research in the field of performing arts and visual arts. At the conference will be reserved 20 minutes for each abstract followed by 20 minutes of discussion and from the conference papers there will be compiled a peer-reviewed proceedings. Any other inquiries may be directed to

9. února 2018