Kurz je vyučován v anglickém jazyce
S rostoucí internacionalizací akademického prostředí roste i význam publikování v zahraničních akademických časopisech pro profesní rozvoj doktorandů/dek. Modul se speciálně zaměří na časopisy pro umělecký výzkum. Jak v nich úspěšně publikovat? Jak probíhá zaslání příspěvku, peer-review a editorský proces? Jaké jsou standardy požadované ze strany časopisů? Jaké kroky může student/ka udělat pro to, aby zvýšil/a své šance na publikování?
Seminář povede šéfredaktor časopisu Journal for Artistic Research (http://www.jar-online.net) Dr. Michael Schwab.
Journal for Artistic Research
JAR is a peer-reviewed, biannual journal, whose goal is to publish original research from artists of all disciplines and promote the renegotiation of art's relationship to academia by coupling an innovative approach to publishing with peer-reviewing and scholarly rigor. A free, online resource, the journal aims to display and document practice in a manner that respects artistic modes of presentation. JAR uses the Research Catalogue, which provides a free-to-use online writing space where text can be woven together with image, audio and video material. The result is a journal that promotes experimental approaches to “writing” and provides a unique “reading” experience, while carefully fulfilling the expectations of a peer-reviewed academic journal.
Michael Schwab is a London-based artist and artistic researcher who investigates post-conceptual uses of technology in a photography, drawing, printmaking, and installation art. He holds a M.A. in philosophy (Hamburg University) and a PhD in photography (Royal College of Art, London). He is the founding Editor-in-Chief of the Journal for Artistic Research (JAR), co-editor of Intellectual Birdhouse. Artistic Practice as Research (2012), The Exposition of Artistic Research: Publishing Art in Academia (2013) and Futures of the Contemporary. Contemporaneity, Untimeliness, and Artistic Research (2019), among others. Through a focus on experimentation and the exposition of practice as research, Schwab has developed a conceptual approach that links artistic freedom with academic criticality in support of what has been called the 'practice turn in contemporary theory'.
Akademie múzických umění v Praze
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118 00 Praha 1
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