Rules - the election to the Academic Senate of AMU (hereinafter “AS AMU”) is governed by Act No. 111/1998 on tertiary education and on amending certain other acts (the “University Act”), as amended, by Article 4 of the Statutes of AMU and the provisions of the Election Rules, the current wording of which is available HERE .
Who is authorised to vote? - Members of the academic community of AMU elect the members of AS AMU from among themselves. The academic community of AMU consists of AMU’s academic workers and students. The academic community of a Faculty consists of the academic workers employed on the basis of a tendering procedure at the respective Faculty and the students registered for studies in a programme provided by the respective Faculty.
Academic workers of AMU are those professors, associate professors, extraordinary professors, assistant professors, lecturers and science, research and development workers who are the employees of the tertiary school and engaging in both educational and creative activities as part of their employment, depending on the agreed type of job. AMU’s Academic Workers were employed on the basis of a tendering procedure held under the Tendering Procedure Rules for Staffing Academic Worker Positions of AMU.
The list of voters for AS AMU comes into existence three business days before the first day of the election by excerpting academic workers and students from the relevant registries maintained by AMU. The election panel will divide a separate list of voters from external educational workplaces with a school-wide authority into three equal parts in an alphabetical order and assign each of the parts to one of the three Faculties of AMU by means of a draw.
The right to elect candidates from the individual Faculties (and external educational workplaces with a school-wide authority) to the Academic Senate of AMU applies to all members of the academic community of a Faculty that the candidate represents.
Who is authorised to run? - Candidates for the members of AS AMU for a Faculty may be proposed by any member of that Faculty’s academic community (and of external educational workplaces with a school-wide authority), and any member of the academic community of the Faculty (and of external educational workplaces with a school-wide authority) may run for such position.
What if a student is also a teacher or is registered in multiple Faculties? - If a student is also an academic worker, they may only be elected for the teachers’ chamber. If a student voter is registered in multiple Faculties, they vote at the Faculty where they registered for studies first.
What is the voting method? – The manual for the electronic vote is available HERE . To log in, do not forget your login information (user name and main password for the AMU network)! If you have any issues logging in, contact your Faculty IT administrator or AMU’s Computer Centre.
Election panel – the election is organised and managed by an election panel appointed by the Rector after its members have been discussed by the individual Faculties’ Academic Senates. The panel is responsible for the proper organisation of the election and for ensuring equal and direct right to vote by means of a secret vote. The current members of the election panels are listed HERE .
Election results – the results shall be evaluated no later than 3 March 2023. The candidates that receive the highest number of votes are elected for the Academic Senate of AMU. If an equal number of votes results in the number of candidates elected being higher than the number of the positions to which candidates are elected, one candidate will be drawn form among those who received an equal number of votes. Other candidates who received fewer votes will become substitutes and if a position in AS AMU is vacated they will be promptly called to AS AMU based on the order of their votes.
The term of office of a member of the AS AMU begins upon the announcement of the election results.
Mistakes during the election - if a mistake, which can grossly affect the election results, occurs the election panel may propose to the Rector that the election be held again. Suggestions contesting the election results may be submitted in writing to the chair of the election panel no later than 14 calendar days after the announcement of the election results.
Tasks and powers of the Academic Senate of AMU
AS AMU is a self-government academic representative body of AMU. In particular, AS AMU
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