In addition to education and research, the mission of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (AMU) includes cultivating the public debate and taking part in addressing societal issues. Accordingly, in 2020 AMU set up its Environmental Panel that assesses its existing practice in terms of environmental impact and suggests measures to minimise the impact.

The Environmental Panel works as an advisory body to the Rector and the Academic Senate of AMU. Its task is to identify the intersections of environmental sustainability and the operation of a public educational institution, both in terms of ideas and practice.

AMU considers the issue of environmental sustainability a key issue that AMU and society at large will have to deal with in the future, and is aware of its role as an educational institution that indirectly influences the future forms of environmental policy through its educational activities.


Contact: Mgr. Klára Banotová, EP Secretary,

Representatives of the AMU Environmental Panel

Chair: MgA. Jan Trojan, Ph.D.
Vice-Chair: Markéta Labusová

Filip Novák
MgA. et MgA. Tereza Reichová
Michaela Rýgrová
Kryštof Zvolánek


Aftermovie: AMU´s 4th Environmental day: Picnic day, 25. 6. 2024

music Tomáš Borl

AMU goes trash

Environmental panel AMU by Klára Kubenková music Pietro Nacca

Aftermovie: Environmental day AMU 11. 10. 2022

The main theme of AMU Environmental Day 2022 was that of the energy crisis and the budget cuts we are all currently navigating.

Prof. Bedřich Moldan

the expert sponsor and member of the panel

Lukáš Likavčan and Matouš Bičák

Chair and member of the Panel, FAMU

Marta Hermannová and Marta Ljubková

Vice-Chair and member of the Panel, DAMU

Aftermovie: (H)AMUFEST, 3rd Environmental day of AMU, 4. 6. 2023

Managing Less

Environmental day AMU 2022_discussion

Environmental Day at AMU, discussion - the topic of savings and sustainability in current art operations. Michaela Rýgrová (DAMU and, Jan Press (Moravian Gallery), Tomáš Vaněk (AVU), Jiří Ptáček (art reuse) and Vladimír 518.

Lukáš Likavčan and Marta Hermannová

Chair and Vice-Chair of the Panel

Jan Trojan

member of the Panel, HAMU