1. Physical education classes included in the compulsory programmes of the Faculties and schools are intended for regularly registered students.
  2. During any sports activities organised by CPPSR AMU and SKUŠ, observe the operating rules of the sports facilities and course regulations and obey the teachers’ instructions.
  3. Participants should act so as to avoid causing bodily harm to others or any damage to the sports equipment.
  4. Report any damage to health or injury sustained as part of physical education in school to your teacher immediately.
  5. Participants shall not ingest alcoholic beverages or any other intoxicants before and during any events organised by CPPSR AMU and SKUŠ.
  6. Since the exercise programmes are organised systematically, we ask participants to attend the classes consistently.
  7. All information on sports options is available through notices released by CPPSR and SKUŠ or at CPPSR AMU.
  8. Constructive comments regarding the activities of CPPSR and SKUŠ are welcome.

Useful contacts

Pohybové studio AMU (AMU Movement Studio)
Tržiště 18, Praha 1

Sokol Malá Strana
U lanové dráhy 3, Praha 1

ČOS Žižkov
Na Balkáně 812, Praha 3

Sokol Tyršův dům
Újezd 450, Praha 1

Storage Facility – AMU Department of Physical Education
Malostranské nám. 12, Praha 1

Czech Technical University Sports Hall
Pod Juliskou 4, Praha 6