Starting on 1 January 2006, the Higher Education Act ( Section 47b ) has required that all higher education institutions make accessible Bachelor’s, Master’s, doctoral and other theses or qualification works (hereinafter “theses”), as the case may be, by means of a database.

In furtherance thereof, AMU makes accessible to the academic community all written theses submitted for oral defence in AMU’s digital repository in the DSpace system. .

All printed works are also made accessible to interested parties for on-site use in the relevant AMU faculty libraries.



Theses up to the year 2006 can be found in the electronic catalogue of the relevant faculty library and can be checked out for on-site use in accordance with the Copyright Act. Gradually, records of newer theses are being entered into the library catalogue as well. You can obtain more detailed information in the relevant faculty library.


The AMU Repository contains all theoretical (written) theses since 2006, including their full-text versions (currently only defended theses, but in future the non-defended theses will be added). It also contains (some) retrospectively elaborated records of defended theses prior to 2006, including their scanned full-text versions.


The National Register of Theses provides access to records and full-text versions of theses from most public higher education institutions in the Czech Republic. AMU submits full-text versions to this registry for purposes of checking for plagiarism.